Nonlinear dynamics at zero Reynolds number

21 May — 23 May 2024, London, UK

Final report

Dates and location

21 May — 23 May 2024, London, UK


Eric Keaveny


Blaise Delmotte

Conference fees

  • Regular registration: 205.00 €
  • Invited Speakers: 0.00 €

What other funding was obtained?

- Funding from LadHyX: 2000 euros

- Funding from Imperial College: ????

- Funding from CNRS UMI Abraham de Moivre: ????

What were the participants offered?

The registration fees included:

- An Imperial College tote bag
- A notepad + pen
- 2 daily coffee breaks and 3 lunches.
- A wine reception and gala dinner at 170 Queen's Gate Terrace (a mansion belonging to Imperial College)

Applicants (members)

  1. Anais Abramian
  2. Gonçalo Antunes
  3. Guido Bolognesi
  4. Matthew Butler
  5. Bethany Clarke
  6. Luke Debono
  7. Marco De Corato
  8. Blaise Delmotte
  9. Nikhil Desai
  10. Camille Duprat
  11. Stephen Ebbens
  12. Heiko Herrmann
  13. Yongyun Hwang
  14. Anne Juel
  15. Catherine Kamal
  16. Eric Keaveny
  17. Anke Lindner
  18. Sebastien Michelin
  19. Tom Montenegro-Johnson
  20. Alexander Morozov
  21. Franck Nicoud
  22. Tim Pedley
  23. Ory Schnitzer
  24. Juliane Simmchen
  25. Hang Su
  26. Catalin Vlad
  27. Benjamin Walker

Applicants (non members)

  1. David Abrahams
  2. Jaime Agudo-Canalejo
  3. Irene Anello
  4. Florencio Balboa Usabiaga
  5. John Ball
  6. Martine Ben Amar
  7. Freya Bull
  8. Antonio De Simone
  9. Marcelo Dias
  10. Maria L. Ekiel-Jezewska
  11. Sebastian Fürthauer
  12. Ramin Golestanian
  13. Simon Gsell
  14. Isabella Guido
  15. Yuto Hosaka
  16. Sara Jabbari Farouji
  17. Robin Knops
  18. Christina Kurzthaler
  19. Heng Li
  20. Corinna Maass
  21. Ruma Maity
  22. Yevgen Melikhov
  23. Ilteber Ozdemir
  24. Gunnar Peng
  25. Chiara Pezzotti
  26. Clarissa Schönecker
  27. Vaseem Akram Shaik
  28. Kostas Soldatos
  29. Saverio Spagnolie
  30. David Stein
  31. Daniel Tam
  32. Juan David Torrenegra-Rico
  33. Rahil Valani
  34. Kirsty Wan
  35. Joh Willis
  36. Lailai Zhu
  37. Pablo Zurita

Scientific report

Despite the linearity of the Stokes equations, nonlinearity is prevalent at zero Reynolds number due to the presence of interfaces, elastic structures and polymers, chemical concentrations, and electric fields, all of which have ramifications across many industrial and biological processes. In recent years, especially with the development of new experimental techniques for exploring microscale physics, there has been significant interest in understanding and categorising how these sources of nonlinearity interact with the long-ranged, configuration dependent, and non-local flows present at zero Reynolds number. In fact, instabilities that arise as a result of these mechanisms are responsible for important phenomena such as inertia-free mixing and transport in microscale devices, spontaneous force-free motion of colloidal particles and droplets, the generation of intra- and extracellular flow fields in organisms, as well as curious turbulence-like phenomena exhibited by active suspensions.

The focus of this colloquium was on nonlinearities that arise in the absence of inertia due to couplings with elastic structures and primarily elastic filaments, and coupling with chemical fields leading to phenomena such as phoretic motion. We aimed for our colloquium to attract and invite both theoreticians and experimentalists in these exciting and sometimes connected areas. An important dimension of the colloquium was to provide a forum of an exchange of techniques and methodologies (computational dynamical systems, asymptotic analysis, experimental and simulation techniques) between researchers on these different topics, as well as explore the commonalities and differences between the mechanisms of instabilities that are encountered.

Altogether there were 56 participants and 40 presentations. The full programme is available on the Colloquium's website. Most importantly, there was ample time for informal discussions among the participants during coffee breaks, lunches and social activities.


We thank Euromech, Imperial College, and the other funding sources, for making the meeting possible and for financial and organizational support.

Number of participants from each country

Country Participants
United Kingdom 31
France 9
Germany 5
Netherlands 4
Italy 3
Spain 3
Poland 2
Austria 2
United States 2
Estonia 1
Canada 1
Singapore 1
Total 64